Course Outline
Thanavi Madani Center Educational Program
Thanavi Madani Center Educational Program
TMC’s Maktab provides a comprehensive and relevant Islamic Education based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. Equipping students with the tools to live as practicing Muslims. Students are admitted from the age of 6 years, regardless of any race, color, nationality.
Classes continue all throughout the year.
- The classes are held on weekends 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM.
- After school classes are held Monday to Friday 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
- Summer classes July and August, from Monday to Thursday 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM.
We have separate classes for males and females, with qualified teachers.
Maktab course outline
Students are taught the Arabic alphabet with the correct pronunciation and articulation. Students are taught the rules of tajweed. Students who have mastered the textual recitation of the Quran with proper pronunciation (Qaidah and rules of tajweed) progress on to read the entire Quran
with fluency.
1. Learn to read the Quran with the proper rules of tajweed
2. Memorization of 30th Juz, and other important surah’s.
3. Islamic Studies five pillars of islam in detail, introductory Fiqh of ‘Ibadat (worship)
Tahaarah, (Cleanliness) Wudhoo, Ghusl, Tayammum, Azan, Iqaamah.
4. Method and rules of Performing salaah, Jumu’a, Eid, and Janazah salah (funeral prayer),
Practical Salaah Training
5. Sawm (fasting), Zakaah, Hajj & umrah, Halal & Haraam, and Forbidden Income.
6. Memorization of Daily Duaas with English translations.
7. Memorization of short Hadith with English translations.
8. Adaab/Manners (Islamic Social Etiquettes and Discipline)
The academic year is divided into three semesters. The semester Starts are as followed:
1. September to December, Test will be on 3rd week of December.
Parent Teacher Conference will be on 1st week of January.
2. January to April, Test will be on 3rd week of April
Parent Teacher Conference will be on 3rd week of June.
3. May to August, Test will be on 3rd week of. August
Tuition Fees:
First time registration fee $ 25.00
Weekend School monthly tuition fee $ 60.00
After School monthly tuition fee $ 80.00